Woman sitting on a sofa looking at a laptop screen.

In a digital age where first impressions matter more than ever, many health coach websites fall victim to common design mistakes that hinder their potential.

Today, I’ll uncover the top 5 health coach website design mistakes to avoid, helping you create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that truly represents your brand, expertise, and attracts your target audience.

So, grab your favorite smoothie, get cozy, and let’s get started to ensure your online presence effectively engages and converts visitors. 

1. Your homepage doesn’t tell me who you are, what you do, and who you help

When a dream client lands on your homepage website you want to reel them in and grab their attention! You can do this by speaking directly to what they struggle with. Your copy shouldn’t be bland or vague – it should be super specific to your ideal clients! 

What type of health coach are you? Do you offer 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching, or online courses? Do you help young professionals, women in their 40’s and 50’s, or burnt out corporate millennials?

Here’s an example of what your homepage shouldn’t look like:

Health coach

Let’s get fit and healthy 

Blah, boring!

Here’s an example of what your homepage should look like:

Holistic health coach helping corporate millennials say goodbye to burnout and stress and hello to a life of ease and flow.

Now offering 1-on-1 health coaching

Gimme all the details! (Note: this would be a button CTA)

Now, this is more like it!

That short description would tell website visitors exactly who you are, what you do, and who you help. Plus, there’s a CTA (call-to-action) that directs visitors to the next step. If you were a corporate millennial who struggled with stress and burnout – it’s highly likely that you would choose the health coach from Option 2 and not the health coach from Option 1!

Why? Because specificity with your copy matters to attracting your dream health coaching clients and being the go-to expert for that specific niche!

Related Article: 7 Essential Elements Your Health Coach Website is Missing

2. No Call-to-Action (CTA) on every landing page

Think of your website as a map. When someone visits your website, what action step do you want them to take next? Make it easy for them by providing a CTA. Have a work with me page and want to book more discovery calls? Add “Book free discovery call” as a CTA. Want to build your email list? Add “Snag free guide” as a CTA on your homepage.

No CTA, especially towards the end of a webpage, can cause website visitors (AKA potential clients) to exit your website. You want to keep them on your website for as long as possible!

3. No lead magnet to build an email list

With social media platforms having the ability to shut down completely, or randomly crash on a Tuesday afternoon, having an email list is essential! With an email list, you have a stable foundation and have direct access to your audience and community whenever you’d like.

If you had all your eggs in social media platforms, essentially “rented space,” it could mean fully losing that audience that you worked so hard to build with no way to reach them. So, build that email list. Provide a super juicy freebie that your ideal clients would absolutely love to snag! You’ll be so glad that you did!

Related Article: 5 Reasons Why Every Health Coach Needs a Website

4. Cluttered navigation

You don’t want to overwhelm website visitors with too many options in the navigation. This can make things a bit confusing. I recommend having a maximum of 5 navigation options and starting with your most essential web pages.

For example, About, Blog, Work With Me, and Contact could be great pages to start with. Also, the homepage doesn’t have to be in your navigation, because website visitors can simply click your logo, or name, and be redirected back to the homepage. Instead, I recommend adding the homepage to the footer of your website to open up space for your navigation real estate.

Bonus tip: Keep your navigation titles simple and easy to understand.

If you have a blog, name it “Blog” and not “Journal.” If you have a contact page, name it “Contact” and not “Connect.” Keeping your navigation options super simple for your website visitors can provide them with a great user experience!

5. Not mobile friendly 

With basically everyone being on their phone these days, having a mobile-friendly site is crucial! A website that’s not optimized for mobile can drastically increase the chances of traffic from your website leaving and not coming back.

Ensure that:

  • Fonts are easy to read
  • There’s adequate spacing
  • Photos are sized correctly (This can also help to improve your mobile website speed!)
  • Other website elements, such as your logo and navigation, are properly displayed.

A website that’s built with your mobile audience in mind will make a positive difference in your brand reputation.

Read part 2 of this article: 5 Health Coach Web Design Mistakes to Avoid: Common Pitfalls and How to Fix Them (Part 2)

So, as you can see, it’s evident that a well-designed website is a powerful tool for connecting with clients and showcasing your wellness expertise. By sidestepping these common pitfalls, you’ll be better equipped to create a site that resonates, engages, and converts.

Remember, your website is an extension of your brand and a reflection of your commitment to helping others lead healthier lives. By prioritizing intuitive navigation, mobile optimization, compelling visuals, relevant content, and clear calls to action, you’re setting the stage for a successful online presence that supports your mission as a health coach.

Here’s to designing a website that’s as healthy as the advice you offer!

If you want guidance and support with building a wellness website that attracts your dream health coaching clients – click here. Together, we can build a gorgeous website that truly reflects who you are and showcases your unique brand and thriving health coaching business!

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5 Health Coach Web Design Mistakes to Avoid (Part 1)

Can't find what you're looking for? Search!

I'm Kate,

an IIN health coach turned Showit website designer who stood on the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and overcame my fear of heights.

This experience served as a powerful catalyst, inspiring me to embrace risk and wholeheartedly pursue my passions.

As a result, I create branded Showit website designs for certified health coaches, so they can confidently share their website, and stand out in the crowded digital health and wellness space. 

Welcome to my online home, I’m so glad you’re here! 

Hi there!



I stood on the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and overcame my fear of heights.

This experience served as a powerful catalyst, inspiring me to embrace risk and wholeheartedly pursue my passions.

As a result, I create branded Showit website designs for certified health coaches, so they can confidently share their website, and stand out in the crowded digital health and wellness space. 

Welcome to my online home, I’m so glad you’re here! 

I'm Kate,
an IIN Health Coach turned web designer.


Grab the Wellness Website Homepage Checklist

If you've ever thought, "I'm not sure what to put on my health coaching website!" – this FREE homepage checklist is for you!

Your website homepage is one of the most important web pages on your website. Make it count and make a great first impression with your ideal clients (and audience) with this checklist!


The top 10 elements your health coaching website homepage needs to attract your dream health coaching clients

The next best step to launch your website and have a wellness brand that's memorable to your audience and ideal clients

Going to DIY design your health coaching website? If so, you need this!

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Grab the Wellness Website Homepage Checklist

Going to DIY design your health coaching website? If so, you need this!

Free Free Free Free Free Free

If you've ever thought, "I'm not sure what to put on my health coaching website!" – this FREE homepage checklist is for you!

Your website homepage is one of the most important web pages on your website. Make it count and make a great first impression with your ideal clients (and audience) with this checklist!


The top 10 elements your health coaching website homepage needs to attract your ideal health coaching clients

The next best step to launch your website and have a wellness brand that's memorable to your audience and dream clients

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Launching your website gets to be easy and
stress-free! Ready to convert website visitors to health coaching clients, have a wellness brand that's memorable to your ideal clients, and be excited to share your website with your audience?




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              Health Coaching Website